Mexico is the world’s center of origin of corn. The country where corn was born 8,000 years ago is now at risk of losing its unique biodiversity. Multinational GMO & pesticide corporations like Monsanto are fiercely lobbying their way into Mexico to grow genetically modified corn. Mexico’s small farmers risk being forced to grow GM corn or lose their livelihood. If these corporations are successful, Mexico’s many native corn varieties will be irreversibly contaminated. We cannot allow this to happen.
Stand with Mexican citizens against GM corn with a donation of €5 (Euros) or more:
A broad coalition of Mexican citizens and farmers has filed a collective lawsuit in order to prevent such harms. So far, they have successfully prevented this from happening. However, their financial resources are limited so now they have started a Grrrowd project to crowdfund €14,982 (Approximately $15,900 USD) before March 31st. Your contribution will give them a fair chance. GMO Free USA supports the legal action of Mexican citizens to keep genetically modified corn out of Mexico and we’re urging your support. Please make a generous donation today.
Spokesman Dr. Raul Hernandez Garciadiego explains: “Corn has always been part of the daily lives of all Mexicans. Corn is not only the staple food of Mexico, but also has immense cultural value. Over a period of 8,000 years, Mexicans have cultivated over a thousand types of corn that originated in our country. If GM corn is authorized, this diversity of native Mexican corn is at risk through contamination. Farmers risk being gradually forced to grow GM corn or have their native corn contaminated. Mexicans risk losing their cultural patrimony and way of life.”
The United States is the birthplace of Monsanto and GMOs. If we do not help other nations beat back the expansion of GMO crops, corporations like Monsanto will only become more powerful. As their profits increase, we will have a harder time battling them here. HELP MEXICO BEAT MONSANTO. DONATE HERE & SHARE this link with others: