Dicamba Studies
The following is a list of peer reviewed studies that have found health and/or environmental harm from dicamba herbicide:
D. E. Auch and W. E. Arnold (1978) Dicamba Use and Injury on Soybeans (Glycine max) in South Dakota Weed ScienceVol. 26, No. 5 (Sep., 1978), pp. 471-475 http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4042904?uid=3739256&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21103343299053
Bohnenblust E, Egan JF, Mortensen D, Tooker J. (2013) Direct and indirect effects of the synthetic-auxin herbicide dicamba on two lepidopteran species. Environ Entomol. Jun;42(3):586-94. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23726069
Eric W. Bohnenblust, Anthony D. Vaudo, J. Franklin Egan, David A. Mortensen, John F. Tooker (2016) Effects of the herbicide dicamba on nontarget plants and pollinator visitation. Environmental Toxicology Volume 35, Issue 1 January 2016 Pages 144–151
Crespo, R. J., Bernards, M. L., Sbatella, G. M., Kruger, G. R., Lee, D. J., & Wilson, R. G. (2014). Response of Nebraska Kochia (Kochia scoparia) Accessions to Dicamba. Weed Technology, 28(1), 151-162. http://www.wssajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1614/WT-D-13-00109.1
Egan JF, Mortensen DA. (2012) Quantifying vapor drift of dicamba herbicides applied to soybean. Environ Toxicol Chem. May;31(5):1023-31. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22362509
Greenlee AR, Ellis, TM, Berg RL (2004): Low-dose agrochemicals and lawn-care pesticides induce developmental toxicity in murine preimplantation embryos. Environmental health perspectives 112(6):703-709. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1241965/
Harwood J. Cranston, Anthony J. Kern, Josette L. Hackett, Erica K. Miller, Bruce D. Maxwell and William E. Dyer (2001) Dicamba Resistance in Kochia Weed ScienceVol. 49, No. 2 (Mar. – Apr.), pp. 164-170 http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4046498?uid=3739256&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21103347902193
Marie Jasieniuk, Ian N. Morrison and Anita L. Brûlé-Babel (1995) Inheritance of Dicamba Resistance in Wild Mustard (Brassica Kaber) Weed Science Vol. 43, No. 2 (Apr. – Jun.), pp. 192-195 http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4045482?uid=3739256&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21103347902193
Knapp DW, Peer WA, Conteh A, Diggs AR, Cooper BR, Glickman NW, Bonney PL, Stewart JC, Glickman LT, Murphy AS. (2013) Detection of herbicides in the urine of pet dogs following home lawn chemical application. Sci Total Environ. Jul 1;456-457:34-41. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23584031
Leon, R. G., Ferrell, J. A., & Brecke, B. J. (2014). Impact of Exposure to 2, 4-D and Dicamba on Peanut Injury and Yield. Weed Technology, 28(3), 465-470. http://www.wssajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1614/WT-D-13-00187.1
McDuffie HH, Pahwa P, McLaughlin JR, Spinelli JJ, Fincham S, Dosman JA, Robson D, Skinnider LF, Choi NW.(2001) Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and specific pesticide exposures in men: cross-Canada study of pesticides and health. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.;10:1155–63. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11700263
Mohseni-Moghadam, M., & Doohan, D. (2015). Response of Bell Pepper and Broccoli to Simulated Drift Rates of 2, 4-D and Dicamba. Weed Technology,29(2), 226-232. http://www.wssajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1614/WT-D-14-00105.1
Preston C, et al. (2009) Inheritance of resistance to the auxinic herbicide dicamba in Kochia (Kochia scoparia) Weed Sci 57:43–47.http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1614/WS-08-098.1
David A. Wall (1994) Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Response to Simulated Drift of Dicamba, Clopyralid, and Tribenuron Weed ScienceVol. 42, No. 1 (Jan. – Mar., 1994), pp. 110-114 http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4045552?uid=3739256&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21103342957983
L. M. Wax, L. A. Knuth and F. W. Slife (1969) Response of Soybeans to 2,4-D, Dicamba, and Picloram Weed Science Vol. 17, No. 3 (Jul., 1969), pp. 388-393 http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4041262?uid=3739256&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21103342421913
Weichenthal, S., Moase, C., & Chan, P. (2010). A review of pesticide exposure and cancer incidence in the Agricultural Health Study cohort. Environmental health perspectives, 1117-1125. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2920083/
Zhu, L., Li, W., Zha, J., & Wang, Z. (2014). Dicamba affects sex steroid hormone level and mRNA expression of related genes in adult rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) at environmentally relevant concentrations. Environmental toxicology. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tox.21947/abstract