The short answer to that is Yes and No… unless you eat pork.
But those of you who know us at GMO/Toxin Free USA, know that we don’t normally give short answers. An informed public is critical to our shared goal of building a better food system and cleaning up the environment so we can all live healthy, joyful lives. And the public is not informed by short answers and soundbites.
So there’s been quite a lot of chatter lately about genetically engineered mRNA and GMO vaccines being used in the organic livestock industry. We even saw one article with the headline, “USDA Caught Pumping mRNA Vaccines Into All Organic Produce Across America.”
Already, you should be suspicious of a headline like that. The fact that the headline says “produce”, which refers to fruits and vegetables, and not “livestock” or “animals”, should tell you that the article was likely written by ChatGPT, produced as click-bait, and is likely bogus.
So, what’s the truth?
Luckily, someone we know and trust gave us some answers that we’d like to share with you. Mark Kastel is the Executive Director of OrganicEye. You also may know Mark as the previous director of Cornucopia Institute. He’s been working for decades as an organic industry watchdog and is a trustworthy source on the mRNA issue (and other issues).
WATCH THE VIDEO… We’ve started the video at 21:04 where Mark begins to talk about mRNA vaccines and it ends at 28:20. But the entire video is worth watching!
Appaling to see this organization propagating ‘facts’ about the evils of vaccination! What kind of idiots are vetting this? I’m unsuscribing immediately.
LOL! Please do! either a plant or a sheeple.