Bayer-Monsanto notched its first victory in a nationwide effort to shield itself from pesticide-harm lawsuits.
On Thursday, the Georgia House of Representatives passed SB144 (101 Yea/58 Nay), largely along party lines. The bill passed the Georgia Senate (42 Yea/12 Nay) on March 4, also largely along party lines.
See the Georgia Senate roll call votes HERE
See the Georgia House roll call votes HERE.
SB144 doesn’t just benefit Bayer, it gives ALL pesticide manufacturers and agricultural chemical producers legal immunity from any harm caused by their products. In addition to over 175,000 Roundup lawsuits against Bayer-Monsanto, there are over 5,800 filed against ChemChina-Syngenta by individuals who developed Parkinson’s disease after exposure to the company’s paraquat herbicide. Bayer and the pesticide industry have been heavily lobbying state legislatures and the U.S. EPA since last year, but Georgia’s bill was the first to pass.
This year, Republican lawmakers have sponsored bills in at least 11 states, including Georgia. Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Wyoming have similar bills.
If you are a resident in any of these states, we urge you to take action now to protect individual rights and freedoms, for all of us. If you know anyone in any of these states, urge them to take action as well.
Read more and take action on our “Monsanto Protection Act State Pesticide Immunity Bills” blog. We’ve set up individual actions for each state, Click HERE, or use this link:
For our government to protect companies from ruining the lives of people is the inverse of what should be happening. Protect the people, regulate the companies!
You are absolutely correct.😵💫
Please hold these companies accountable for poisoning us. They should not receive immunity or protection.
I agree 100%
Pesticides kill more than pests! Our government should not be protecting the companies and their profits over citizens affected by them.
I cannot believe governments are watching Monsanto spray crops with poisons that can cause cancer and other diseases. These are children eating these crops and I can only say someday it may be their children or grandchildren. It took how many years to finally figure out the bad things on red food dye. We have a chance to correct this now. This starts in the field and goes into the meat and into little systems in children’s bodies. .
We the People agree – we’ve had enough of being brainwashed into believing the cancer epidemic and cognitive decline is normal rather than the result of industrial agriculture.
Absolutely agree – BUT figure they’re all been bought and paid for don’t you think? Not sure how they do it, but they do ie too lazy to do their own research and rely and believe paid lobbyists to taint their judgement. SHAME ON THEM!
You are doing terrible to your constitutes and the.people that use their products. Shame on you. They elected you!
This is abhorrent that Georgia lawmakers would vote to protect companies that manufacture and dump such strong chemicals. Our food, water, and air are contaminated. Gyphosate is literally contributing to the demise of our health. Our gut microbiome are getting wrecked and cancer is rampant. I am a disgusted Georgia conservative
People, wildlife, across the food chain — beneficial bugs, birds, small animals, probably a few country pets. Monsanto should be re-named Monsteranto!
Our government is made up of individual people. Why are these people not doing what they know is right? Money! Find out how much each of these betrayers get from these companies and find a way to make them uncomfortable. How many of them are parents? Not even for the benefit of their own children???
You are so correct! I plan to protest and I will encourage others to do the same. Thank you for your comment.
To knowingly poison people is immoral. The science is there. Protecting Monsanto is putting profit over people.
Pesticides kill more than pests! Our government should not be protecting the companies and their profits over citizens affected by them.
We the People agree – we’ve had enough of being brainwashed into believing the cancer epidemic and cognitive decline is normal rather than the result of industrial agriculture.
Stop Monsanto from continuing to make glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup the weed killer! This chemical is a carcinogen of the highest order, causing cancers and other neurological disease. This is a scourge on our society and it is killing!!
No bills to protect this chemical company from liability! “We are NOT living better through chemistry!” Instead we are dying from it! Stop Monsanto NOW!
It’s long past time to subdue Monsanto’s greed and overwhelming pollution of this planet!
Run for office in Georgia or one of the other states listed, Ms Pearson. It won’t be easy for you, because Monsanto will give loads of campaign money to your opponent. And the voters/victims are dimwitted enough to assume that whoever has more TV ads and yard signs must be a better candidate.
Wise words.
Please just initiate The Venus Project already.
Monsanto has WAYYYYYYYY enough money, already. And it’s BLOOD money! DO NOT PROTECT THEM!
I finally made it to retirement and now you choose Monsanto over me and give them the opportunity to make me sick and ruin my retirement by putting more of their glyphosate into my environment and I will have no recourse if it makes me sick and that REALLY, REALLY DOES MAKE ME SICK.
Don’t take it personally, Mark. They couldn’t care less about you, and don’t know or care who you are.
It is both insane and repugnant that our elected officials are so blinded by power and money that they pass protections for companies and elements that CLEARLY kill people; and you are okay with that?? Do you think you breathe different air, drink different water, buy different food than the rest of us? HAVE YOU NO SPINE? Pathetic.
Yes, they have no spine, Mr Christman. Yes, it’s pathetic. But that’s not the point. Their one goal in life is to suck off the government tit for as long as possible. To do that, they need to keep getting elected. To do that, they need campaign money. They can’t afford to worry about anything except doing whatever will result in donations. “Blinded by power and money?” That’s a perfectly good way to put it.
I think it is disgraceful that this company is still being protected for poisoning folks. My daughter has lymphoma from her being exposed to this chemical and … need I say more? My tears are not only for her but for all of us and the suffering endured by such cruelty.
Another example of the greed and stupidity of American , primarily republican, politicians who care more for what goes in their pockets than for their constituents. They should be charged with murder!!
Mr Taylor, electeds care very much about their constituents. With our system of protracted (and expensive) campaign seasons and private money in politics, the only meaningful constituents of electeds are the people and corporations that give them the most money. You and I and the rest of the voters are chicken feed.
You specifically criticized Republicans. That’s because on a national level, their platform does not appeal to most voters, and without those donations, and mindless enough voters who respond to exposure more than content, they wouldn’t get elected. Not without generous enough donors, who become the only constituents about whom they really care.
We will kill ourselves due to stupidity; it is inevitable. The human species has become so disconnected from nature that they don’t even recognize that they are killing the very thing that keeps us alive. The Earth will take a sign of relief when we are gone. It is so sad because we could have changed for the better and lived a simpler life.
Mr Etzel, it’s not that humans don’t recognize that they’re killing the earth. It’s that they don’t care.
Why are Republicans so damn evil?
It angers and terrifies me that, after so much progress, we are now tearing down environmental protections.
Here’s the thing: if we completely destroy our home, all the other stuff will become irrelevant. None of the politics will matter as we all struggle to survive.
Maybe some of the wealthy and powerful have underground bunkers, but I don’t. This is insane!
Any person that votes yea on this bill should not be a lawmaker as lawmakers are supposed to work in the interests of the safety of their constituents . This is an absolute disgrace to humanity and Mother Nature as well an utter insult to our rights. Shame on your betrayal of the people that elected and believed in you. Dear Citizens buy only #organic #biodynamic or #regeneratively farmed foods.
Why would they vote that way? Some one is greasing palms…..
Governments are supposed to protect their citizens. Shame on Georgia.
They have no respect for people and our country. All they care about is themselves and no one else matters to much power and to much influence from the so called rich. Our country will collapse because of Trump and his goons. We have to stand up and fight back as hard as we can. Our country matters to us and so the hard working Americans. We are the ones that vote here not the government, lawmakers and justice system. We have rights.
This is an act of violence against every citizen of Georgia. Glyphosate causes cancer and Parkinson’s disease. We are not lab rats for corporate profit. HOLD MONSANTO LIABLE FOR THE DEATH, PAIN AND SUFFERING THEY CAUSE.
When all the trees and animals are dead and all the air, land and water are polluted you will then realize you and your progeny can’t eat money…..
Water is our liquid gold. Protect it!!!!!
The passing of this bill is an atrocious act of destruction! People need to be protected against businesses which pollute and poison our food, our water, our air, our EARTH , all in the name of profit. Our government is dissolving into fascism, all paid for by business interests to gain power and profit over people’s health. Bought and paid for!
Despicable, without morals or ethics of any kind. Our government is now our enemy.
NO! to a known cause and source of cancer!!
Yes I also have gotten cancer from it . I lived on farm my whole life and use all the time . I have had lung cancer never smoked . And I have non-Hodgkin of spine Cord that’s been a real problem for me with my farm life. The last I got was Breast cancer . It has caused a lot of hardships for me when I am the only one to take care of homestead. It needs off the market it in water, food and us now and no way get rid of it for good . It’s forever and renewed my life and everyone else’s even all my dogs have got from it and die. Not good!! Not right for them make a product that kills us or animals either.
Pesticide companies should be/must be held accountable for their toxins. Transparency and responsibility are lacking.
America, wake up and fight. Speak up, write, call your representatives. If you care about what’s going on, “DO SOMETHING!
Bayer-Monsanto and others like ChemChina-Syngenta may have endless money to put into pursuing legal immunity from any harm caused by their products, but we are against them and have endless energy to resist.
More evidence that the (R)ight is intellectually challenged, because apparently they think of themselves as somehow immune from all the chemical toxicity in our environment.
All the comments above are valid.
Big companies pay their way to get their way. And we all suffer.
Everyone who votes for them is guilty of murder or disablity of an innocent life and should be held accountable but we know that will never happen because greed will win out every time.
What a sad world we live in.
Poisoning people and animals for profit should NOT be a thing. Profit over people is disgusting, short-sided, and cruel. How much money do you need?
How sad that we are un-doing any civilized sensible progress our nation has made over the last fifty years. There are always fights to to be fought regarding respect and protection of the environment on all levels but with this administration and support for corporate greed it’s all about greed, power and taking for now with no regard for life that suffers as a result and the losses for life in the future.
It is true, we must not take this silently. Take action for us now and for those in the future. Write, call and speak up! Make your voice known.
Are our elected officials devoid of any compassion or concern for humanity? I would think that they might consider that their own family members could be impacted by their decisions to support greedy corporations.
Monsanto does not need to be protected! It is we who need to be protected from them!
This is Unconscionable! How can anyone in “their correct mind” allow these Bills to pass!? I am sick and tired of seeing the NON-GMO LABELS which IS BAYER/MONSONTO, who should NOT be allowed NEAR OUR MEDICATIONS OR FOOD of ANY KIND! Especially with Bayer being Ex-or leftover NAZI’S! The “MAJORITY” of our canned, packaged, fresh, foods. In almost every aspect. Even side by side with GMO/ORGANIC! Which in my book cancels anything ORGANIC right out! I WILL NOT PURCHASE ANY OF THESE! IT’s DISGUSTING that they are blatantly still spraying their choices of poisons, which every one of us is ingesting in one form or another! “SHAME ON the Georgia House of Representatives” who passed SB144 (101 Yea/58 Nay), largely along party lines. The bill passed the Georgia Senate (42 Yea/12 Nay) on March 4, also largely along party lines. Those who voted YAY are DISGUSTING!!! You eat this crap, We will NOT! “You and your families for Generations will indeed suffer from this! You asked for it!
This is all wrong.
WTF is wrong with all of you?
Richard M. Nixon started the EPA to protect us from these poisons!
Do you think your families are immune from these poisons?
You voted YES, so I guess you do!
You’re poison, so it’s time to vote NO on you & replace you with intelligent representatives!
Protect us from greed! Let the EPA do its job and protect us from these poisons.
I do not understand why it is so hard to use biopestacides or companion planting. Other countries are successful with it so why do we have to be so hard headed. Why does money always win against wisdom.